| | A Dashin Echo WF 2000 Palomino Quarter Horse Mare Sired by Echo is a great addition to SAI. On the track and Out of Kansas Misty | |  | | A Skippin Melody 1999 Chestnut Leopard Appaloosa Mare Sired by powerful and Out of Dam | |
 | | HOL. Alotta Classy Investments 2006 Sorrel Overo Paint Mare Sired by Alotta Charisma and Out of Classy Vanita | |  | | HOL. An Impressive Zipper WF 2005 Bay Blanket Appaloosa Mare Sired by Impressive Doc Bar. Impressive Doc Bar has won many prestigous titles such as; Champion of Division in 2004 Errant Ventures Grand Opening Show and Out of http://bph.thesimcommunity.com/horsepage.php?id=5 | |
 | | HOL. Barscotch Klass Act 2008 Black Blanket Appaloosa Mare Sired by RFR Arts Noble Deluxe and Out of Klassy At Night GE | |  | | HOL. Be More Brenna 2001 Dark Bay Quarter Horse Mare Sired by for some time. Like her breeder said and Out of he usually throws foals that follow in his hoofprints no matter what the dam excels in. Be More Brenna has his dedication | |
 | | HOL. Blowin Smoke GE 2009 Bay Tobiano Paint Mare Sired by ColorMePineBar WF and Out of Christys Freckled Smoke | |  | | HOL. Color Me Delicate 1997 Palomino Quarter Horse Mare Sired by this girl really knows how to compete. Don't let her lack of a show record fool you; she has the potential to be a great show horse. We hadn't had the opporunity to show her before we put her up for sale since we used her for breedinf instead and Out of | |
 | | HOL. Cool N Impressive 2000 Bay Quarter Horse Mare Sired by but we've quickly come to realize she is to precious to be striclty a broodmare. Her show attributes are wonderful and Out of | |  | | HOL. Dusty Little Lena WF 2006 Buckskin Quarter Horse Mare Sired by Dust Te Sunset and Out of Skip O Lena | |
 | | Foxy Golden Freckle 1996 Palomino-Dun Quarter Horse Mare Sired by quick around cattle and Out of | |  | | HOL. Hickory Dickory Doc WF 2003 Bay Blanket Appaloosa Mare Sired by Impressive Doc Bar and Out of Hickory Three Sock | |
 | | HOL. Hickory Three Bars WF 2007 Palomino Tobiano Paint Mare Sired by Just A Rockafella and Out of | |  | | HOL. Hickory Three Sock 1998 Bay Quarter Horse Mare Sired by Sierras Hickory and Out of Three Socks Cody | |
 | | HOL. Ima Colorful Bar 1997 Chestnut Overo Paint Mare Sired by and is extremely talented at hunter pleasure & western pleasure. She is also currently competeing in Training Level Dressage and Out of | |  | | HOL. Ima Real Tyree 1993 Palomino Quarter Horse Mare Sired by American bred baby with a lot of miles on her and Out of | |
 | | HOL. Jessie Been Larkin GE 2009 Bay Quarter Horse Mare Sired by Larkin Pine Bar FS and Out of Remini Starlight | |  | | Klassy At Night GE 2002 Black Blanket Appaloosa Mare Sired by Mister High Noon and Out of Bars Roxie Fox | |
 | | HOL. Miss Buttermilk 1997 Buckskin Tobiano Paint Mare Sired by Pastor John and Out of Sanos Miss Tyree | |  | | Miss Scarlet Echo 1996 Palomino Quarter Horse Mare Sired by another Quarter Horse I purchased from an adoption. Echo is a fine tuned barrel racer with skill. She loves to compete and is quick and Out of | |
 | | Never Under Par 1998 Black Quarter Horse Mare Sired by and had reached her silver level. We can't believe that we've been given the opportunity to own such a good mare." and Out of | |  | | HOL. OhMyZip WF 2005 Bay Blanket Appaloosa Mare Sired by you can expect big things from her as a show horse. Lovely breeding with the conformation to prove the bloodlines and Out of Peppy San Badger | |
 | | HOF. One Whiz Kid WF 2004 Grulla Overo Paint Mare Sired by Scribble Pine Bar and Out of Whiz A Kid | |  | | HOL. Poco Inspired Party 2000 Black Tobiano Paint Mare Sired by Poco's Pepsi Party and Out of Docs Inspired Lynx | |
 | | PCh. RFR Blue Moon Cash 2001 Red Roan Quarter Horse Mare Sired by RFR Blue Moon Cash has some reputable SIM blood in her. A nice mare with a big hip and great substance and Out of Larks Risen Star | |  | | HOL. RFR Gee Whiz Cody 2005 Red Dun Quarter Horse Mare Sired by especially from the rest of the herd. A 15hh lead mare and Out of | |
 | | HOL. RFR Pocos Lil Top Hat 2000 Buckskin Overo Paint Mare Sired by we couldn't be happier with our buy. A mare bred on foundation RFR breeding stock and Out of Stars R Us | |  | | HOL. RFR Sheza Double Doozie 2005 Buckskin Overo Paint Mare Sired by RFR Sheza Double Doozie is one of my prized possessions. She's got a great head on her shoulders and has a thick build with a lot of power in her stride. Quick on her feet and Out of | |
 | | HOL. Scribble Me A Queen WF 2004 Bay Overo Paint Mare Sired by Scribble Pine Bar and Out of Cookie Cutter | |  | | HOL. Scribble Me Blue WF 2003 Chestnut Overo Paint Mare Sired by a Champion paint stallion. We have yet to make a page for him and Out of loud and clear. We are working on training her out of this | |
 | | Scribble Me Out WF 2001 Buckskin Overo Paint Mare Sired by Scribble Me Out WF has made an impression on her audiences. She has a beautiful coat that is sure to be passed on to he offspring and a gentle nature. Great footwork and eagerness to learn and Out of Sire | |  | | HOL. Shez Got Sex Appeal 1992 Palomino Quarter Horse Mare Sired by well-formed and Out of Buckys Dottie | |
 | | PCh. Skip O Lena 1997 Buckskin Quarter Horse Mare Sired by a 1997 buckskin AQHA mare by Smart Peppy Lena and out of Ida Mae Skip. She is out of a very famed stallion who is among some of the most successful breedings and Out of Doc O Lena | |  | | HOL. Skippin A Tune WF 2003 Sorrel Leopard Appaloosa Mare Sired by we've also decided to do Western Pleasure with this girl. She has great quarters and Out of | |
 | | HOL. Sonnys Royal Pain WF 2002 Black Overo Paint Mare Sired by but the quick reflexes and stocky body of the Quarter Horse. This mare was sired by Tico-Sun and Out of | |  | | HOL. Sunday Cassidy Hi 1998 Red Dun Tovero Paint Mare Sired by Prairie Gold. was a four time APHA World Champion Halter Horse. His most well known accomplishments consist of 1994 World Champion Yearling Stallion and Out of reciever of the Performance Versatility Award | |
 | | HOL. Taste The Champagne 1997 Champagne Tobiano Paint Mare Sired by Cougarand and Out of Nu Starched Jeans | |  | | PCh. Whiz A Kid 1995 Grulla Quarter Horse Mare Sired by Scribble Pine Bar and Out of | |
 | | HOL. Zippos Royal Pine 1997 Chestnut Quarter Horse Mare Sired by not to mention trail and horsemanship. Royal Pine is a beautiful QH Mare with a good hip and Out of Zippo Pat Bars | |